Memory Constraints
For typical cases, most of the text files are less than 1MB in size. With today memory capacity, it is not a concern. However, we may still wish to limit the file size to avoid the user from using a 4GB movie file as input. Therefore, the first step in reading the whole file is to check the file size.
Getting the file size
The file size of a file can be read by the following code: where fileName is just a String containing the name of file, e.g. "a.txt".
Limiting the file size
I have arbitrarily chosen a file size limit of a million bytes, change it to what you need.
Buffer Allocation
Now we have the file size. It is convenient to allocate a buffer to hold the whole file.
Using DataInputStream for reading
The next step is to create a DataInputStream for reading the file.
Read the whole file into String
Now everything is ready and we may read the whole file into the byte array, and the create a String object from it.
Putting it all together