1. What is the license of the source code in this blog ?

    Unless otherwise specified, most of the source code in this blog is under the MIT license
    Look at the comment section, if you see the "author" is "Macteki" or "Ivan Macteki" or "java.macteki.com", then it is under the MIT license unless otherwise specified.
  2. How to download the sample in this blog ?
    Enable javascript. Double click in the source code area would highlight them.
    A simple copy and paste would serve the purpose.
  3. How to compile and run the program ?

    First read the file name in the comment section, for example, suppose one of the sample has a filename of "A.java".

    To compile :
    javac A.java

    To run :
    java A
  4. Which version of Java should I use ?

    Unless otherwise specified, all programs are compiled with JDK 1.6 (officially named Java SE 6.0)

  5. How to contact Macteki ?

    • You may leave comments here if you have a google account. Most of them will get answered