Saturday, June 8, 2013

Java String Highlighter


In Java Comment Highlighter, I have demonstrated how to highlight all Java comment in a text file, using the regular expression technique.

I am now going to use similar technique to write a String highlighter in Java, which will highlight all quoted string in a Java source file. The program will read a text file (a.txt) containing Java source code and convert it to a.html, with all String literals highlighted. We will use as a starting point. You are recommended to read it first.

Replacement with Regular Expression

The regular expression of matching a quoted String in Java is :

It is not very obvious. I will try to explain it below.

Explaining the Regular Expression

Regular ExpressionExplanation
Match a quote first
then repeatedly skipping characters until a quote or a stroke is read
if we read a stroke, then begin
skip one character following the stroke
once again, repeatedly skipping characters until a quote or a stroke is read
end if a storke is read
Repeat the above bracket group until no more stroke is found before the ending quote
Finally, match the ending quote
The regular expression is actually :
Optionally, to optimize it a little bit, we may add a question mark and a colon to mark a non-capturing group.

To store the regular expression in a Java String, we need to escape all the quote and stroke characters. Hence we have :

Deriving the regular expression from DFA

This is another way of deriving the regular expression of a quoted String. We will derive it by drawing a state diagram of a imaginary automatic machine that will match the quoted String. DFA stands for Deterministic Finite Automata. It is Finite because it has finite number of states. It is deterministic because for every input character it know where to go. DFA has a strict definition which is easy to be found on the web. Hence I will just draw the state diagram here.

State Transition

If we are in q0 and read a quote, we will go to q6
We represent the above transition by:
  q0" => q6
If we are in q6 and read a quote, we will go to q8
  q6" => q8 
If we are in q6 and read a stroke, we will go to q7
  q6\ => q7
f we are in q6 and read a char other than a quote or a stroke, then we will go back to q6
  q6[^"\] => q6
If we are in q7 and read any char, we will go to q6
  q7. => q6
The dot means any character in the alphabet. Let's define the alphabet to be the set of all ASCII characters excluding the new line character.

Full list of Transitions

(1)     q6" => q8 
(2)     q0" => q6
(3)     q7. => q6
(4) q6[^"\] => q6
(5)     q6\ => q7
We may combine (2), (3) and (4) to form a new transition by using the union character.
(6) q0"|q7.|q6[^"\] => q6
Looking at the third union, we are forming a loop. We will use the * character to represent the loop.
(7) (q0"|q7.)[^"\]* => q6
Rewriting it by distributing the star to each union, we have:
(8) q0"[^"\]*|q7.[^"\]* => q6
From (5), we may substitute q7 with q6\
(9) q0"[^"\]*|q6\.[^"\]* => q6
Now we have another loop, so we use the star to represent the loop again.
(10) q0"[^"\]*(\.[^"\]*)* => q6
We may now substitute (10) into (1)
(1)  q6" => q8  that means : 
(11) q0"[^"\]*(\.[^"\]*)*" => q8
That means starting from the initial state q0, we may arrive at the final state q8 by the regular expression:
Note that stroke is a meta character in regular expression and hence I have escaped all the stroke characters (become double strokes)

The expression derived by the DFA is the same as the one I explained above.

Highlighting the String

Once we have the regular expression ready, it is simple to implement a String highlighter. Since the implementation is very similar to the comment highlighter, I will not repeat here.

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