The answer is :
- API belongs to public. Knowledge belongs to yourself.
- Self written method is sometimes more flexible than API.
The algorithm for flood fill is simple :
- Starts with any pixel inside the shape to be filled.
- Remember the color of this pixel, name it as initialColor.
- Add the initial point to the examination list
- For all point P in the examination list do
- If P.color = initialColor then
- Fill point P with the target color
- Add all neighboring pixels of point P to the examination list
This leads to the following implementation :
public static void floodFill(BufferedImage image, int x,int y, int fillColor) { java.util.ArrayList<Point> examList=new java.util.ArrayList<Point>(); int initialColor=image.getRGB(x,y); examList.add(new Point(x,y)); while (examList.size()>0) { Point p = examList.remove(0); // get and remove the first point in the list if (image.getRGB(p.x,p.y)==initialColor) { x = p.x; y = p.y; image.setRGB(x, y, fillColor); // fill current pixel examList.add(new Point(x-1,y)); // check west neighbor examList.add(new Point(x+1,y)); // check east neighbor examList.add(new Point(x,y-1)); // check north neighbor examList.add(new Point(x,y+1)); // check south neighbor repaintAndDelay(image); // this line can be removed } } }
The method repaintAndDelay() is just for showing how the shape is actually filled. You may remove it if you wish.
Full runnable source code follows :
/****************************************************************************** * File : * Author : * Description : * Demonstrate a flood fill algorithm. * Tested with : JDK 1.6 ******************************************************************************/ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.awt.Point; class AnimationFiller { // fill the whole image with a color specified by its RGB component static void fillImage(BufferedImage image, int red, int green, int blue) { int packedRGB = (red*256+green)*256+blue; for (int y=0;y<image.getHeight(null);y++) { for (int x=0;x<image.getWidth(null);x++) image.setRGB(x,y,packedRGB); } } // draw a red circle with a pen width of 5 pixels static void drawCircle(BufferedImage image) { java.awt.Graphics2D gr=(java.awt.Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); gr.setColor(new java.awt.Color(255,0,0)); // red gr.setStroke(new java.awt.BasicStroke(5)); // set pen width to 5 pixel gr.drawArc(5,5,150,150,0,360); // (x,y,w,h,startDegree, endDegree); } // repaint the image and delay for a little while private static void repaintAndDelay(BufferedImage image) { _imageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); _imageLabel.repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } // implements the flood fill algorithm public static void floodFill(BufferedImage image, int x,int y, int fillColor) { java.util.ArrayList<Point> examList=new java.util.ArrayList<Point>(); int initialColor=image.getRGB(x,y); examList.add(new Point(x,y)); while (examList.size()>0) { Point p = examList.remove(0); // get and remove the first point in the list if (image.getRGB(p.x,p.y)==initialColor) { x = p.x; y = p.y; image.setRGB(x, y, fillColor); // fill current pixel examList.add(new Point(x-1,y)); // check west neighbor examList.add(new Point(x+1,y)); // check east neighbor examList.add(new Point(x,y-1)); // check north neighbor examList.add(new Point(x,y+1)); // check south neighbor repaintAndDelay(image); // this line can be removed } } } public static int packRgb(int r,int g,int b) { return (r*256+g)*256+b; } static JLabel _imageLabel; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // create an 200x200 RGB image BufferedImage image=new BufferedImage(200,200,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // fill the image with green color fillImage(image,0,255,0); // draw a red circle with 5 pixel pen width drawCircle(image); JLabel imageLabel=new JLabel(); _imageLabel = imageLabel; // make it global imageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); imageLabel.setText("Filling the circle with yellow color ..."); javax.swing.JFrame window=new javax.swing.JFrame(); window.setTitle("Macteki flood filler"); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); window.add(imageLabel); window.pack(); window.setVisible(true); // fill the circle with yellow color int yellow = packRgb(255,255,0); int x=50, y=50; // make sure (x,y) is within the circle floodFill(image,x,y, yellow); imageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); imageLabel.setText("Completed !"); } }
Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.
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